I provide helpful psychology - for when life isn’t. The outcome for my clients is that they think and feel better, and make positive changes to what they do or how they do it.
Deciding to make things better is normally about making different choices - to think or act in new ways.
I support clients who want to make things better by using applied business psychology across the following areas:
Business Psychology Consulting - Executive Coaching - Talking Therapy - Training
Education - Reflective Practise
I have personal and professional interest in neurodiversity and welcome working with people who want to know more or do more in terms of equity, diversity and inclusion. I have a reputation for taking a pragmatic problem solving approach, the goal is always to help people learn new ways to solve problems and become more resourceful.
I hold an MSc in Business Psychology, Postgrad qualifications in HR management and Executive Coaching & Mentoring. I am a Fellow of The Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development, and Certified Principal Practitioner with Association of Business Psychologists.
The home and voice of Business Psychology. The ABP's mission is to be widely recognised as promoting professional excellence and a community of practice in business psychology, advocating and developing the informed application of its research, bodies of knowledge and methodologies by all those involved in improving business performance and the quality of working lives.
Andy Cole has been certified by The Association for Business Psychology as a
Certified Principal Business Psychologist in recognition of attainment against the
ABP Business Psychology Framework for knowledge, skills and experience of applying
Business Psychology in organisations.
Addiction Professionals is a voluntary registration body and network for the addictions sector. They have a growing and diverse membership of practitioners working in the addictions sector, including behavioural addictions. Members come from a wide range of professional backgrounds including GPs, psychiatrists, counsellors, keyworkers, pharmacists, psychologists, social workers, nurses and mentors.